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Smowball | 01:38 Sat 09th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Anybody even awake??


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I'm sure we could find one here on AB....better still, could you manage to lose him in Cuba ?
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I hear Guantanamo Bay is very nice this time of year........
Now there's a thought !
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I don't know why im joking, im in bits really. I really think he has some kind of problem......
As I said earlier, based on what you post here - you have decisions to make about how you want your life to proceed.
That sounded cold, I really do feel for you, I have never been in such a situation.

I wish you well and the strength to make the choice.
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Not cold at all. If I was a stranger reading my post I would be screaming at the screen to leave the b@@@ard but not so simple when youre involved. Im sat here thinking what to do for the best but to be honest im a little bit numb. im certainly not afraid of being on my own
Not a simple choice at all, I know you must have a lot of love for him or you would have ended it by now.

You now have to think long term and see what you can and can't cope with - I would never deem to advise you to do one thing or the other.
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I know that, and I honestly appreciate your input xx
I always feel useless at this, my marriage was wonderful, together for 35 years till death intervened - have of course seen friends in your situation.

I wish you the very best future you can have.

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