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Look East Towards London

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tamborine | 22:28 Sat 09th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
The pillar of light is viewable till tomorrow in memory of the fallen in WW1. We can see it from Windsor, 20miles away, can you?


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Don't forget those people who live east of London, tambo. They will have to look WEST to see the sight !!!

And South, and North!
Wish I could see it, tambo. Have to look South for about 120 miles though.
I'm considerably further East than you Tambo and I can see nothing.
Are you sure you are not about to be beamed up and abducted?
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Shoota look for the light glow thru binoculars & you should see the beam leading up to it. I think your Hounslow if am right...its cloudy but the glow shines thru.
i cant see it :)
Nope. All I could see this evening were the fireworks from Sunbury Regatta. Maybe you are higher up than us - we might be able to see it if we went up Richmond Hill. It would have been nice to see though.
I saw this earlier in the week, I looked out of my bedroom window about 12.30 and there was an eerie column of light growing into the clouds. It looked like a scene from Ghostbusters, very surreal.
Wow, that's impressive. We're far too far south-east to be able to see it :-(
Boxy it was impressive to look out and see it, I imagine it was similar to the lights they put up in place of the Twin Towers.

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