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What is this film? 80s?

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Crazy78 | 14:17 Tue 04th Apr 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Bit of a weird one! I can remember watching a film, possibly around late 70's or early 80's, it had these killer 'bugs' in, that went around setting fire to things. I can remember two parts, one where a bug goes up an exhaust pipe, and the car blows up, and another part where one comes out of a phone. Seem to also remember a tractor coming to life on its own and destroying everything? Am I going mad or was it real?!!!


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The one from the Seventies that I remember with machines is .....

but no bugs ...sorry.

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Hi, thanks for answer, unable to view link, but have since been told it is two separate films I am thinking of 'KillDozer' and 'Bug', both from 70s..

I remeber that one - cockroachy things that escaped from within the Erth. Ran up walls and spelled out words - main protagonist falls down a crack in the ground at the end......

'Fire Bugs' - or something.... Let me have a think....

Found it. It was just called Bug .(Click title for IMDb entry)

Sorry, didn't read Crazy78's post properly, who actually answered this hours ago.....

I'll get me coat.

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What is this film? 80s?

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