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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:57 Sun 17th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
Sunday. I've just been out for a walk to deliver DIL's birthday card.
It's quite pleasent out this morning. I had a look around wildlife land but not a lot going on, the badgers are active as it's a nice morning, The foxes are not in evidence, but it's nowhere near dawn yet. Too dark to see if the deer are on the hillside. The rookery all quiet and peaceful.

Tiggy was in for his supper and made several trips to take food back to his missus. He's a grand lad so he is.

The charter yesterday went well, it was the other group of the Ladybirds we took last week. Mad, the lot of 'em, but good fun. We stayed dry but the wind was middling so we had to use our skill to keep the boat in order.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Bye boaty

Morning gness & baths

Still mizzling here - yuk :(
morning dave. Mizzling here also, I think, although haven't ventured out yet

x x
Hi, Bath....

It'll make your grass grow Dave......☺
Bits of blue sky on the horizon ...
Morning all. Some interesting post has arrived in the last couple of days. Referendum poll card and a notice of potential jury duty...
Hi gness.
Weather update....just been out to (one of many) dustbins, + it's now fine + dry.
x x
Eek Jim!! Not jury duty....poor you.....I hated it :(

x x
Morning, Jim......going walking today?
Well I'm only being considered to be "on the list" at the moment, so I may yet not get the actual duty.

Walking, gness? No idea what you mean...

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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