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Bt Infinity

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jennyjoan | 12:17 Sun 17th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Received a letter from BT offering me BT Infinity - free HUB and they are going to waive £30 activation charge.

However, since the computer is running well I am afraid of rocking the boat and having more problems.

I am happy with what I have got so shall I leave things well alone. Thanks


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It depends on what speeb you are getting at the moment. Try this to find out :::

I changed over to Infinity early this year and I am now getting 38 mega pixies, which is three times what I had before.
Don't bother !

I swapped to Infinity (only because the cost of my copper braodband - which was perfectly satisfactory - was 50% higher and they would not reduce the price).

I had three months of trouble when barely a day passed without me losing service. I had to endure four or five visits by an engineer. It was finally put right but I had terrible trouble with BT's customer (don't)care department to squeeze some measly compo out of them.

The speed difference (although about eight times as fast) is of little significance for everyday use. All in all a waste of time and a lot of bother.
I had mine done with no fuss and I love the super whizzy speed.

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