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Do You Ever Forget The Word You're Looking For...

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cupid04 | 12:47 Tue 19th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
As I get older I can't think of the word I'm looking for. For instance I can never usually remember the word minimize...I get flummoxed and I say
smallen.... Do you have made up words for the one you can't remember?
What are they?


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used to be an anmnesiac but now chocolate

OH was talking about something on her car a while back and came out with Windscreepers
Question Author you find it easy to sleep when you're not on shifts?
Murderously so Cupes my sweet, worse just now with all sorts of renovations at home. Day shifts are the worst, average about three hours between shifts.... big struggle!!
errrm, errrm, errrm, errrm ............................ no
Pharmacist today

I asked if I could call later - like 2 am

oops sorry I meant 2 pm !

Inability to name things - its called .... its called...
nominal dysphasia

can be very troublesome and usually coincides with days where I am compelled in a supermarket to imitate Nixdorf scanners.
( my impression is... quite good ...boop boop !)
cant remember cupid's name so its old girl

\\\Inability to name things - its called .... its called...
nominal dysphasia\\\

Aphasia PP...aphasia.....nominal aphasia.

Dysphasia is difficulty in saying it.
Swad - there you are you see ?
I've got it ( boop boop )

we were taught by a dead neurologist ( Hopkins I think ) that dysphasia was incomplete and aphasia was complete

is one thinking of dysarthria perhaps ?
My mother used to replace a word that she could not remember with "thingy".

I have found it very useful from time to time.

Talking about words, I'm a firm adherent of the adage why use a big word when a miniscule variation will sufficiently convey your intended meaning in an equally efficacious manner.
Know what you mean, but my partner drives me mad sometimes with whatchamacallit. oojamaflip, whatsisname and thingamajig.
Lately I've struggled to find the word I need for crosswords, I'm glad it's not just me that can't think of the word I want. I usually say thingy or you-know-what.

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