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TWR | 06:54 Wed 20th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
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i'd make a foursome up with my date megan fox but george might take a fancy to her
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Eccles, have to confess we've never been...but having just looked at the menu, pork belly with scallops would just hit the spot ;)
As it is, it'll be a tuna sandwich on stodgy white bread..again.
Eth, The Royal Oak is nice. If you are in the BBO area I also recommend The Belgian Arms in Holyport. Nice setting, good food and service.
I am ticking things off the list I made earlier. 4/7 so far. Not bad.
Eccles, I shall look forward to trying both of your recommendations at some point. We were just talking..about food, as usual..and I could murder liver and bacon with cabbage and mash at the flower pot, not the fanciest place by any means but always hit the spot for me with the liver.

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