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TWR | 07:49 Wed 20th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Lovely, warm, UFO out, " You?"


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Sunny, chilly.
Sunny but still coolish. It looks at though it could turn out to be a good day.
Cloudy but it looks like the sun will break through.
Bright sunny clear but a wee bit crisp still...very hot yesterday....near Edinburgh....
bright and damn chilly in the Arctic north of Aberdeen
Its the first day i havent opened all my windows as soon as ive got up.
Sunny, but a lot cooler on Essex coast.
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Have you got your thermals on Jordy ;-)
I've heard people say that in Scotland if you can't see the hills it's raining, and if you can see the hills it's going to rain:)
It's gone cold here now.
Bit chilly here on the north coast but sunny warm spells earlier.
I've had to put a fleece on. I have turned into my grandma.

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