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Could i have been any more stupid????? rate my stupidity !

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kazminx | 16:11 Tue 04th Apr 2006 | People & Places
6 Answers
we bought a second car...a big old Audi..a giant..a tank! anyway, i went to pick it up and had to put some petrol in to get home..then i was handing the tank over to hubby to do with it what he pleased! i stopped at the garage, headphones on, not paying attention. i only had a fiver. i watched the meter to to 4.99 then 5.00...ran in to pay, threw the guy the fiver, ran back to tank, jumped in....he came out waving his hands pointing to the petrol put in �50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! had to get the visa out..hubby is well own car has no petrol and i cant afford any now!!!!! doh!!!!


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kazminx - get yourself over to Graceanais thread on Body and Soul straight away! It'll maek you feel a whole lot better about how daft you've been. xxx
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ive just been there...yep, feel better!! thanks kick3m0n.
doh !
Stupidity? Never! It's far more like cunning, I reckon :-)

The next time your finances need a little help from hubby (e.g. to buy that 'must have' item in the sales), I'm sure that you'll happily remind him that he effectively 'owes' you �45. The following time that you find yourself short of a few quid, you'll probably mention again just how 'generous' you were with his new car. Being a gullible male myself, I reckon that you'll probably get that 45 quid back several times over before your beloved hubby catches on! It seems like quite a good investment to me (and that's not even taking into account the taxi service he's going to have to provide you with while your cars got no fuel in it!).

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nice one Chris...will keep that one for later as suggested...heheh
It's comforting to see that other people are like this. I thought it was just me :D

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Could i have been any more stupid????? rate my stupidity !

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