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Anyone Else Got Their Heating On?

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Tilly2 | 18:32 Thu 21st Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
Flippin' chilly here. It's the wind that does it.


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Chris, I don't think that they have a system I think they make it up as they go along.
Oops eccles I read that as shorts and dungarees!
I stood out watching the Lancasters in a T-shirt, although I did curse not throwing a cardie into the car. Certainly no heating, still needing the cooling fan for n hour or so.
LOL Tilly.
I love how we compete with each other for how cold we can stand it.
Mine's been on for 2 days.
Would love to put the heating on. Kaput.
Back-up gas fire kaput.
Landlady living in Dubai is making life difficult.
I have
But only to dry a jumper I want to wear tomorrow
No, but sat on the couch with a fleece blanket round my shoulders - Stockton (on-Tees). I haven't been warm all week...
Had my heating on for a couple of days now but only in the evening.
Thinking about it and have got out a pair of bedsocks.
My heating went on for an hour this morning and again this evening. Not for me as I move about and am rarely cold. Mic on the other hand is stuck in one place so I need to ensure he doesn't get cold.
I think a Mr Cake may have gone to adjust the thermostat or fetch me a pair of socks.

I don't know why but he is very reluctant to let me slip my bare feet between his bare legs.
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Ice cubes?

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Anyone Else Got Their Heating On?

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