In order of irritation, here they are:
Naughty girl mean to exclude Queen in Balmoral frolic (9) GIL__VA__
Note: a horse upset NG_NA
Review editor not contributing to reputation C__T
Are environmentalists keeping money from French facilities? A_REMIN_
Half hearted subordinate on the Tube? _ASAL
Gilravage - brilliant
Ngana fits bit I wonder if some of the clue is missing. What exactly is a ngana? I can't find it in my dictionary or online.
Crit - nice
Agrement - facilities yes but where do you get the T from? Agremens fits better
Vasal - doh!! should have got that
Which means "King upset me and another guy? Take a defiant stance perhaps" is KEMBO, not KIMBO as I had thought. Which I assuem is a variant spelling
ngana - definition of ngana by Medical dictionary
nagana. see trypanosomiasis. na·ga·na (nah-gah'nah), An acute or chronic disease of cattle, dogs, pigs, horses, sheep, and goats in sub-Saharan Africa; marked by fever, anemia, and cachexia, varying in severity with the parasite and the host.