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A Bit Of A Washout

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TWR | 17:33 Mon 25th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Well, its not been the best Bank Holiday, has it put paid to your activities? do you ;let the weather effect your day's plans? myself, not one little bit, done what I had to do on ebay, a little time on AB, take my wifes pug for a good walk which she is used to " Honest", tonight! well, it could be a brandy or two but there again, it could be a cup of coffee.


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We walked the dog. I went to see my dad then went food shopping. We have spent the afternoon reading and pootling about on the computer. We have the gas fire on.

Mr Tilly is looking forward to tonight's 'big match'.
Its been 'orrible here in South Wales, although it isn't raining now. Not a day for a Welsh barbeque I'm afraid.
Well done to those people who did go out and about. It's a good job people will make the effort or nothing would be organised and it would be very boring. Mr T and I never go anywhere on Bank Holidays. Left to people like us, the country would be a total washout. We should make more of an effort!

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