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Edinburgh Tattoo. What A Racket.

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Zacs-Master | 19:04 Mon 25th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Are bagpipes the most discordant racket of an 'instrument'. Had to switch it off. Sounded like a load of cats being strangled.


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LOL @ Zacs last post and divebuddy's explanation.
skirling... that's a lovely word
Apart from the bagpipes ,Zacs-Master,what did you think of the rest of The Edinburgh International Tattoo?
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I'm afraid I didn't make it past the cat strangling.
Love them
Love the pipes and love the tattoo, it was a good show, I would give anything to go and see it for real.
It's amazing Cats....If you ever get tha chance you must go, I'm sure you'll love it, the atmosphere is great... Love the pipes, spent a whole day at the Piped Bands championship about 6 years ago and didn't want it to end.
Dive buddy said what I wanted to chuck in. Worth a cut'n'paste to a text file, if you frequent multiple online forums. Slightly different wording fir the version I'm copying:-

The definition of a Scottish gentleman is someone who can play the bagpipes, but chooses not to do so.

Possible Middle-Eastern origins. Seems Cat-Strangler battalions date back to before the Romans.
lol, I think it must be a scottish thing about bagpipes. I find a massed band quite stirring, (enough to get up and turn the tv off) I jest. Once attended a week long course through my work. One of the people there was a wee scots laddie with a pibroch, he bored the pants off us every evening after our dinner with his dirges.
I've been to the Edinburgh Tattoo..................once.
I taped it and we watched it later. I love it, find it very stirring. Watch it every year.
The pipes are popular in Galicia, Spain. It's not just a Scottish thing.
I love the sound of the bagpipes.
I've been to the tattoo many times going back to the 50s. I've always loved it all. The TV does not do it justice. It's quite spectacular. It's like watching a fireworks display on TV. It has to be seen and heard LIVE.
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Joke - Definition of a gentleman is someone who knows how to play the bagpipes : But doesn't !
Joke- what's the difference between bagpipes and an onion? Nobody cries if you chop up bagpipes.
Actually, I don't agree with either of those. I love the bagpipes. I think they have a beautiful sound.

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