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Cheryl Cole ...

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andy-hughes | 13:40 Tue 26th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
... those eyes!

Sigh ....


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horseshoes I totally agree about accents. I know some people born in Newcastle and the surrounding area who would be classed as having a Geordie accent but speak softly, clearly with correct diction. Cheryl whatever her name is now does not speak clearly and has a harsh tone to her voice. Not as bad a Sara Millican though, listening to her is like listening to a peice of chalk squeak on a blackboard.
I have just googled Miss Cole, I think maybe those rose petals will drop a little in time.
Do we know that she hit out because she was being malicious?
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Cheryl Cole and Sara Millican - like a chiwawa and a mongrel - they are the same species, but sometimes it's difficult to see the link.
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she was found guilty of assault, she hit someone and badly enough to cause a black eye

I doubt she was thinking friendly thoughts at the time, but hey, that's maybe how she treats her friends
I really like Sara. She makes me laugh.
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we do not, but whatever the provocation, and I agree with horseshoes on this, there may well have been some, the jury found by 11-1 that there was enough aggression to warrant a guilty verdict to aggravated assault. That's plainly clear in my book, maybe not yours. Don't know why you seem to be condoning it though, as I bet violence in your pub wasn't looked on with much sympathy.

She was daft as a brush to go for the woman though.....
andy which one is the mongrel cos Sara millican sure sounds like a yappy Chihuahua when she talks
I'm not condoning it. And yes, I grew up round lots of violence, doesn't mean I think its okay to punch people.
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If you look here -

her pieces to camera with minimal makeup, she looks radiantly beautiful.
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Retrochic - "andy which one is the mongrel cos Sara millican sure sounds like a yappy Chihuahua when she talks"

I wasn't making a direct comparion, but on re-reading my post, I can see that is how it appears.

Apologies to ColinandJess and everyone else - careless wording, my fault.
She's hot but it's not really her eyes that interest me

Regarding the barbed comments about her accent - there are far more annoying accents (scouse, brummie, manc, welsh, irish, scottish)
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Nothing wrong with Welsh, Irish and Scottish accents at all joeluke, although I struggle to understand Glasgow accents and some Northern Irish accents at times.
I must say the photo of Cheryl Tweedy and the black lady - she did not look like herself at all.
Pleased to hear that, ummmm.... :-)

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