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Saga Sept

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jenesais | 17:49 Fri 29th Aug 2014 | Crosswords
6 Answers
1a carver possibly lacking hands-on experience ?r???a?r is this a sculptor? 11a note old story cropping up about a previous tax arrangement ?a???e?d 16a ladies men freak out when dogs are around ?????e?a???s many thanks


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sculptor doesn't fit your pattern though
1 Armchair
Hope you don't mind if I set them out like this- a new line for each- as it's easier for me to read

1a carver possibly lacking hands-on experience ?r???a?r
11a note old story cropping up about a previous tax arrangement ?a???e?d
16a ladies men freak out when dogs are around ?????e?a???s
11a danegeld
16a poodlefakers
How many words in 16a??

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Saga Sept

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