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Missing Little Boy

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mikey4444 | 07:27 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
5 Answers

I am unsure what is happening here. Why would his parents take him from the Hospital, when he is obviously so very gravely ill ? Its been said on the radio this morning that his parents are JWs, but I don't know whether that is significant or not. And how did they abduct him from Hospital in the first place ?


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Thanks Naomi...I missed the previous post.
The radio report has just explained that the parents had permission to take him out for a specified (short) period of time - it was only when they failed to return him after several hours that the hospital realised that something was amiss.

They say the battery on his nasal feed will have expired by now - poor little kid.
it's religious lunacy mikey, no other possible explanation.
// Although the arrest warrant was "based around neglect", Mr Shead said this did not necessarily mean the parents would be charged with that offence.

"It purely gives us the power to arrest and then we will be able to speak to them," he said. //

That is a shocking admission of misuse of the law.

The parents are unhappy with the childs' treatment so have withdrawn him from from it. They think they can get beter treatment elsewhere. For that yhey are branded criminal - shocking.

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Missing Little Boy

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