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Your nemesis...

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whiskeysheri | 10:41 Thu 06th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
15 Answers

Do you have an arch enemy for whatever reason, petty or not? x




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in real life, or on AB??? lol
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Both kick3m0n, spill the beans... x ;-)

oh well on AB it has to be scarlets. We have a somewhat combative history over on the Sports section. Think we're all pals now....but it may be an unsteady truce. Look out for handbags at dawn......... I don't dislike the girl at all, we just disagree on almost every single point that's ever been raised. She's fiesty tho, gotta love that.

In real nemesis, as I'm a very peace loving kind of person who (generally) avoids confrontation (bit of a live and let live hippy at heart!). Before I stopped work, I was our union rep, and so had to deal with annual pay negotiatons on behalf of the companys 1000 employees. My nemesis then was the company's Financial Director. We had so many head to heads and heated debates over pay rises, and it was a real battle of wills. That said, I think we both kind of enjoyed it, and we had a friendly farewell before I started my maternity leave.

You WS?? You seem way too friendly and cheery to have a nemesis, surely????

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Only the one, from school. She made my last few years there hell. I don't even know what I did for her to hate me, but she did. She evn punched me in the face on the school bus and I just sat and took it (I wouldn't now). I've heard from old friends that she's not doing very well now though, which is some sad consolation. No-one currently though, thankfully.

4getmenot, how did the wedding go? x

Its in July so still preparing for it :-) woossaaaaaaaaa :-)

I don't really know, there is one person on A/B who seems to take great delight in trying to shoot me down in flames. I reckon, as a good example, andyjevs and logman, andy's gone, and I haven't seen logman for a fair bit either.

Yes, but it is never me who starts it!!

They are always women, always ARIES, and they always have a problem with me, but don't have the guts to actually speak to me about it. I just get attitude, sullen behaviour, manipulation... playground stuff. I, can't stand it. And as a result, they become my enemy- because long gone are the days when i try and be NICE to these people in the hope that they will like me after all!!

Also my sisters partner, who has ALWAYS hated me (he is a very spiteful person); and to give you an example- he won't share a house with me on holiday, so if I want to see my other sister and her kids (who live abroad and I never see), I have to stay in a guest house, while he, my sister and my other sister (!) rent a holiday house. Charming, eh??!

scarlets....lmao...I'm pisces!


Hope that is a different Scarlett!

I never visit sport!x

Scarlett (double t, capital s) SOOOOO sorry. me and my nemesis are already sparring this morning (sports, where else) and I saw your thread and totally mis read it! Of course it's not you......

Massive apologies for any offence/misunderstanding. xx


that's a relief!x

No, I can't imagine wasting energy on an enemy...

\i've had a nemesis thrust upon me. I'm new boyfriend's ex has decided that she can't just be civil so she's going to be all smiles to my face and be overly friendly while spreading rumours about me and him behind y back. It's so childish I can't stand it, and she's older than I am! She should know better!

Scarlett - I get that with certain types of women as well. I think it might well be a star sign thing as it usually seems to be fellow Scorpio's that have a problem with me. Come to think of it...I think the psycho Ex is a scorpio...hmm...

When the person who let their dog wee and poo in my garden while they stood holding the other end of the lead (claiming ignorance as a defence) told me it was a natural act.I told them I naturally wee and poo every day too and would be coming to their garden from now on. I wave every day when they are on walkies but he doesn't wave back ,does he count?

I also once had an estate agent tell me he" felt violated" while we negotiated his commision on a house sale! lol

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