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Mobile Penilties.

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TWR | 19:51 Sun 31st Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
What's you views on the proposed 1 year ban If caught using your mobile whilst driving + a very hefty fine, will it deter people?


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and throw away the key !!!
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I have just opened your Link Slaney, thank you, why is it hey are Considering this Issue? this so called Issue is causing people to loose their lives so why should it be considered? ere should be no two ways about this, Ist Offence 6 month ban, 2nd offence 1 year ban, if that get abused, the penalty goes up, what's more important, answering a dam phone or someone's life.
It has to be the same as Drink Driving once you get a ban your insurance will go through the roof. A minimum 300% increase for a ban is the norm and that lasts 10 years. At that rate a ban for a 'white van man' could easily cost £100,000 .

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