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Why....... Do People

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Jeza | 22:27 Wed 03rd Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Go to You tube, Twitter, Facebook etc. to watch the murder of a man by barbarians. I wonder if they are knitting, drinking gin and cheering as the await the finale. It makes me feel sick. Is it time to close these sites down?


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Curiosity. Assuming they act as you imagine them to be acting doesn't make it so.

There was an interesting phone in on the morning radio where someone who had seen such an execution basically said as much. Although this was, of course, obvious.

Plus perhaps a desire not to wimp out from facing the awful things in life.
I wouldn't want to see that.
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I don't know how people can watch these. It is dreadful enough without watching the horror.
Did anyone read what I posted before?

You don't see the actual beheading.
i read what you posted daffy...........and I didn't like reading it :(
Europe is barely 300 years on from this sort of gawping sickness.

There are scenes in "The World At War" which I still recall (from 1973 showing) which I suspect were cut from the last repeat showing I saw (satellite channels). They wouldn't meet current sensitivity levels.

I don't care to see some of them again, other than to confirm or refute that some of it was my imagination (I wasn't even in my teens).

On the basis that I am unable to forget disturbing imagery, I am not remotely tempted to watch these things. I imagine there are "wimp if you don't" types out there. If anyone's viewing them, it's probably that.
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scrivens, do you post on this site to deliberately put peoples backs up. Seems so to me. Do you then take it to the other side and have a good laugh?
It's not time to close the sites down no, it is time that they were policed a little better and that people who do not wish to see such atrocities don't click the link. I've been on and off Facebook, Twitter and Youtube all day and not encountered them or felt the need to search for them so I fail to to see why perfectly legitimate sites ought to be closed down because some other people choose to actively seek out such disturbing material whilst the rest of us do our best to avoid it. I wonder if humans have a deep subconcious need to think "thank God that is`nt happening to me"

//I wonder if humans have a deep subconcious need to think "thank God that is`nt happening to me"//

Hang on. Wouldn't that count as the opposite of empathy?
That is to say empathy would be putting yourself (or attempting to) into the victim's plight, in your imagination.

Presumably, that is the point of not showing this stuff on TV.

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