Crosswords1 min ago
Welfare Culture
37 Answers
In a previous thread by Mikey, he made two statements. One was "Labour are popular all over Britain" and the other was "Labour which is setting the agenda for fairness,". The other day I read, and I think it was on the BBC Website (an organisation not known for its right wing views?), a comparison on two families claiming benefits. One family where the father worked but as they had a large family and an autistic child and all the children where home schooled had their income topped up with tax credits. The second family where neither parent worked, father unemployed for 14 years because his skills were not wanted, hadn't tried to retrain in all that time and his weekly expenditure included Sky TV, cigarettes, 24 cans of lager and large amount on mobile phones. How can creating more welfare dependency be a fairer society? As for Labour being popular all over Britain, of course there are voters for all parties in every constituency but that doesn't mean a particular party will get in.
http:// news/uk -168764 86
A Welfare State administered by bleeding hearts has removed personal responsibili ty and created a culture of dependency, and of expectancy.
10:51 Sat 06th Sep 2014 is patently obvious that righties out-number lefties here on AB. That is not a complaint, as I am more than capable of fighting my corner. But an absence of posts from us lefties may be due to real reasons...I have been out to work for a couple of hours for instance.
And its perfectly possible to debate any issue here on AB I am doing now, without calling you any names !
And its perfectly possible to debate any issue here on AB I am doing now, without calling you any names !
I agree TTT, but baz was clearly well out of order. Perhaps they should both apologize and we can get on with our heated bur reasonable polite debate !
We two are far apart politically, although we sometimes meet in the middle over issues like Council Housing, but we (mostly) refrain from personal abuse I think ?
We two are far apart politically, although we sometimes meet in the middle over issues like Council Housing, but we (mostly) refrain from personal abuse I think ?
By 'Welfare Culture' do you mean the 2.6% of Welfare expenditure that was spend on the unemployed in 2011-2012?
http:// economi blog/en try/myt hbuster s-striv ers-ver sus-ski vers