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Having Worked With Children And Young People With Down's Syndrome

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Tilly2 | 15:52 Tue 09th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I find this news item absolutely wonderful.

Good luck to Oliver.


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It is good that he has found something that he is good at. At first I thought that maybe people were humouring him but it was nice to see the truth.

I couldn't understand all that he said but he was clearly intelligent, knowledgeable and articulate - a good start for any young lad starting off on a career.

Good luck to him.
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You could watch it with subtitles, wolf. See a bit lower down the page.
Tilly...I saw this today as well and it cheered me up no end ! What a wonderful young man...a lesson to all boys his age, Down's or not.
Good for him, I used to do volunteer work with young people with down's syndrome.
Excellent Tilly, I hope the lad can make a career out of his photography.
There is a small village shop that I sometimes drop in whenever I am in the area. They sell these marvelous Swedish Meatballs that I have become addicted to !

There is a young Downs girl working there and she always hugs me when I go in ! I am a bit embarrassed by it but her Dad who owns the shop doesn't seem bothered. I have always found Downs people to be so very friendly. Perhaps I should stop being embarrassed !
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A lot of youngsters with Down's syndrome are very friendly but not all. I can see why you get embarrassed Mikey . I bet it's not everyday someone flings their arms around you and gives you a big hug
here's his page

some beautiful photos there.
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Thanks for that, jno.
Indeed it isn't Tilly !
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I'd give you a hug, Mikey. Would you be embarrassed?
Of course he wouldn't be, I bet mikey would love a hug.
Just had a look at the link by jno. There are some truly beautiful pictures on his fb page. I love the swans and the bluebells but they are all amazing.

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