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Obiter | 06:53 Fri 12th Sep 2014 | Technology
15 Answers
I have recently invested in a new laptop running on Windows 8 (which I can't get used to, having been brought up on Vista). until two days ago my home page was Google, but suddenly when I switch on it defaults to a page called Bing, which I assume is another browser. Not really a problem, I hope, but I just wonder how it got there as I have not accessed the page nor designated it as my home page.


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I think Bing is connected to MSN.
I think Bing is Microsoft.
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Thanks both. As long as it's not a 'nasty' I can live with it. Still don't like Windows 8, though. On Vista there used to be an option called 'My computer'. Can't find it on this one.
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Thank you 1ozzy. Please tell me how to do it!
No experience with Win 8 but doesn't your browser have a search box to type in, which has a pull down menu allowing you to select a default search engine ?

I think Bing sems less filtered than Google anyway.
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Thanks, Oz.Will try that at my leisure.
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I'll tell you what - I can't wait to get home and re-set my new laptop! The tiles are okay for a phone, but I can never find "Programmes" on the new Windows 8! Thanks 1ozzy! x
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1ozzy's advice at 08:32 is very useful, but I'm a bit 'micey' about downloading stuff. The 'Classic Shell' option in his first link seems to fit what I want. Has anyone else downloaded this without detriment to the PC?
Can't help here, but just feel compelled to say I'm with you Obiter....I've got a shiny new laptop with Windows 8.1 gathering dust....hate hate hate it.
I'm currently using 4 yr old laptop with constantly whirring fan + dangerously high fever :/
Good luck, I shall keep checking back here to see how you get on,

x x
can i ask the main thing you all don't like about windows 8 or 8.1,I'm on 8.1 and love it
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I don't know whether I'm on Windows 8 or 8.1. I just fell much more at home with the old format when you had the menu down the side and you could select options like My Computer, Games, etc. I used to like whiling away the odd half hour playing Solitaire or Hearts, but can't find them now.

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