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Off To Florida In The Morning.....................

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10ClarionSt | 13:55 Fri 12th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
..............woo hoo! That little white git of a golf ball's gonna get a fkn severe larrapping, I can tell you! Mrs Clarion will be my caddy. She's a good kid! We just have to avoid the gators! But birdies and eagles will be welcome!


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If you slice a shot and the ball goes into a water hazard don't be sending anyone in after it.
Anywhere near Jupiter 10?
Enjoy anyway, you seem ..... excited! ;0)
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garth plays florida in a few weeks,
Gawd, how did she know that Hi ya Dot.
My sympathies to Mrs Clarion

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Off To Florida In The Morning.....................

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