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My 18 Month Old Keeps Wriggling And Is Restless All Night.. Even Crying In His Sleep!

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EllieJP | 17:43 Sat 20th Sep 2014 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers
Why is this? And what can I do??


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Have you done the usual?
Room temperature - too cold/too hot.
Nappy - too tight?
Farts/wind - is the child particularly windy?
Matress - comfortable?
Night light? Is the darkness upsetting child

I don't think children being restless in sleep is that uncommon and I wouldn't worry massively if I was sure that everything was tickety boo and child was not actually waking up. I'm naturally very fidgety (and indeed, 'chatty') in my sleep and I'm 35!
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We've recently come on holiday to Australia.. So I'm sure it's the jet lag part of it.. X
It's just a phase, either growth is making them uncomfortable or mental development is unsettling them, or teeth. Could be any number of things, but rest assured that it is just a phase. My daughter has just come out of the other side of this waking at night phase. After several weeks she's night sleeping like a dream again. Try a drop of calpol to see if it helps.

Remember though.... All the bad times are just phases....... Equally, when it's going good, that's just a phase as well!
Ignore everything I just said, somehow I missed the jetlag bit..... It's that!
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My 18 Month Old Keeps Wriggling And Is Restless All Night.. Even Crying In His Sleep!

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