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Part Baked Bread Rolls.

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Caran | 22:50 Sun 21st Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
OH has just discovered a pack of part baked baguettes in the cupboard. They are dated June and still look ok. What do you think should I cook them or throw them out?


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Tell me about it Pasta, the amount of food goods we throw away at work on a daily basis is criminal, it's enough to make me weep.
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Agreed all lands in skips,when it could be donated to charities(like ours),or food banks.
One of our clients brought in several bagfuls of bread last week...what a nice gesture. Until we checked the dates,questioned him...and discovered it came from the tip. We obviously couldn't take it...but what a waste.
I've no objection to freegans in principle 1ozzy, apart from the fact they rummage through the food skips, tossing out what they don't want and leaving it for us to put back in the bins. Often the bags are ripped to shreds due to the rats/birds having a nibble and we have to clean it up again.

if they were ruddy tidy about it all, i'd say good luck to 'em, as it is they're the bane of our life at work.
// .it all lands in skips,//

O God that has triggered a memory from 1999 when I was on £49 for two weeks when I used to go round the skips...

I was feeling really crap from RT and was thinking: why do I have to do this?
[to eat of course]
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