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jennyjoan | 13:40 Mon 22nd Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
What is 0.5% of £4,600 please. Is it £23.


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I asked Mr Google and I think I am correct.
yes. 1% would be £46. So 0.5 is half of that

Mrs Google wouldn't have known.
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thank you.
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I actually work it via very old method of fractions but I do be a little unsure.
Is that your commision - if so that's very small isn't it ?
yes well done
welcome back to what we called fundamental arithmetic [ bleeeeuch ]
1% = divide the number by 100 = £46
0.5% = half of that = £23
Yes! yes! has been answered.
In the google search box type:


and you get the answer.
Of the 12 answers prior to this one, 16% contained an actual numerical answer, whereas, 83% did not:)

Stuey, what did the remaining 1% do?
They all got lost when I didn't round off .16666666... to 17. but we didn't those people anyway:)
To .17, that should be.

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