30 questions all relating to the decade of the 1960s. £15 Prize.
Quiz available by email (pay on return) from chrissy.cotterill@btinternet.com
or by post, send £1. (securely taped) and SAE to:
C. Cotterill, The Cottage (opp Yew Tree Inn), Ednaston, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. DE6 3AE.
Cheques payable to Treetops Hospice. Closing Date 24th October 2014.
Thank you to everyone who took part in my Alphabet Quiz. Congratulations to Mrs D Young of Derby who was the winner of the £15. Prize. Many thanks to all who purchased quiz sheets and sent in donations, a fantastic total of £181.00 was raised for Treetops Hospice, Risley.
Hi obsessed, Many thanks for your enquiry. I have not received any emails from you requesting this quiz. Please email chrissy.cotterill@btinternet.com and a copy will be sent to you. If you could do this today it would be appreciated as I am having an operation on my hand tomorrow, Wednesday 24th September so will be unable to type for a while. Popsgirl
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New Quiz: 'swinging Sixties' - In Aid Of Treetops Hospice (Regd. Charity No. 519540)