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Getting A Little Annoyed

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jennyjoan | 12:55 Tue 23rd Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
My nephew and his girl and his son were supposed to arrive at 12 midday. I went out and got goodies for the little boy and some eats for them. I am sitting in limbo as they haven't arrived. How long do I give them - knowing what young ones are like. He is 28 etc.


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Naomi - I know him he'll be okay. It's just I did want to have a chat with him as they are living with my ill brother and have been for 5 months and I think they are at the end of their tether -particularly his girl so I wanted to give them advice etc.

I don't think they are coping as my brother fell last week and lay on the floor for several hours (don't know where my nephew was).

My brother truly needs to be in a hospice or hospital but two weeks ago the kids got an ambulance for him as he had a bad turn and he (brother) refused to go. A bit hectic for them (kids) so that's why I can't be harsh. Brother is now with his girlfriend for a few days now. Oh I could go on and on as it is a long story.
You may have to hang on then Jenny. I would ask why he didn't answer your call though x
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Elina - I didn't ring - it's a given - he doesn't answer. Truly don't know why they have these mobile phones.

However I am just going to do my own thing. Have to feed Mr Harv and then need to go to shopping.
Ah right. Do what you need to do as you said Jenny x
Have you got in girlfriends number?
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Perhaps they have them to receive texts saying, "where the hell are you ?"
did they know you would have a meal ready?
Try and ring him, he might answer as he's said he'll pop in.
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LOL - geezer -
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at Wolfe - no meal - just wee eats.

No I have given him plenty of time and I will be here until 2.30 then off I will go. Mr Harv has been a little sick too as he vomited a few hours ago so am waiting a little later to feed him although it will be a small amount.
if they won't answer a mobile and then turn up over an hour late they shoudn't be surprised to find that you've gone out

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thank God this site is anonymous. LOL
then go out, do what you like, the time is past when he said he'd be there. does he always do this?
pop round to bruvs house to check the situation. If he turns up while youre out, he will ring you
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No way Tambo - he has been given plenty of time. I will eat the *** of him next time I see him. Ah No, I won't.
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**** ass
did he turn up conn.? I hope you were able to give them some support/advice re your brother .
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Brother is lying on a trolley in hospital from 11.30am. Sons thought he was dying last night.
well conn. that explains the non showing and the mobile phone of,, sorry to hear about your brother,

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