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Just Had My 1St Xmas Catalogue Sepbtember Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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nannybooby | 16:21 Thu 25th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
god bless them they stand no chance now as I will consign it straight to the incinerator.


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You can't escape them, nanny. They'll just keep on coming.
I had a studio one back in July with the heading Plan Ahead. Today there was an Argos one for toys in the TV mag.
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I refuse to think about it till after my daughter's b'day in late Oct !
Just got my first first free calendar
First one? I have been getting them for ages now. I got another one, Ace, a couple of days ago. too.
The Christmas stuff is out in Tesco, can't say I've bought any of it.
My local Co-op has had mince pies, in nice Christmasy boxes, since August....with a sell by date of mid October. Can anyone even begin to explain what the point is please !
Mince pies are not just for Christmas!
I agree but what is the point in marketing these as a Xmas product, when the sell by date is 2 months before 25th December ? And even if they were long-life products, what is the point in selling them in August ? Who buys Xmas food 4 months before you are going to eat it ?

Will we see Easter Eggs on sale in November ?
I'm gathering from your comments that I'm the only one with presents wrapped and ready for the big day then.
That is a YES from me douglas !

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