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shamikajenkins | 20:13 Tue 30th Sep 2014 | Crosswords
18 Answers
"If she ? me down one more time, I'm probably going to have to give her job to someone else, " says disappointed manger. ?ETS Answer LETS or GETS


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Are you asking the whole 'Crossword' - if indeed that is what it is?
I don't think it is an actual crossword, Captain. I think it's just a list of clues with two possible answers. This is the tenth question, so far.
That's what I was trying to find out Tilly - seems more like part of a Psychometric Test to me
Hmmm, something like that, Captain.
Question Author
Move on Than
Is that another clue?

Welcome to answerbank, shamika - you are able to ask more than one question at a time - next time, you can group them together, perhaps - it gets confusing to have several questions with the same title.
Just wondering, hi factor
Evening, Psybbo
hi Captain, Tilly and Boxy
Evening Psybbo et al
I think the OP meant 'move on then' and was saying, in a polite way, that I should 'sling my hook' which I will do gladly.
Evening, sibs. OK?
I think the OP meant 'move on then' and was saying, in a polite way, that I should 'sling my hook' which I will do gladly.

I think it was aimed at me too, Capt.
Fine Tilly, off to bed soon, you ok?
I thought they meant that too, Captain :-(
Very well thanks, sibs.

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