Not a question but an update on my previous post in july/august relating to my wife losing her sense of taste. Squad was very helpfull which is why I am writing this now.After a week or two my wife was seen by a consultant at our Oral Surgery department. He obviousley had read her medical file because he knew what medication she was on but he did not come up with an answer to her problem. He actually said to her that they did not treat taste problems..whatever that may mean.However he took a blood test suggesting an .iron deficiency( spelling!)hi, so we will have to wait to see what that reveals, his other comments were that her taste will come back in time. Not a satisfactory answer.That's it for now.Hope to hear soon.
I can' t envisage that the blood test will provide anything useful and I must say that the Oral surgeon is probably correct in that no diagnosis was forthcoming, your taste would return.
Probably a discreet virus infection would be quite likely.
Don"t give up seeking a definitive diagnosis, but monitor the situation for the next few months.