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Rebecca01 | 18:37 Tue 07th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
It's 99 days till my holiday and after the day I've had I'm more than ready, run round like a headless chicken :-/ nice bubble bath and early night for me, hope you've all had a decent day :-)


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Not quite. Went to the dentist hoping he would stick back a crown that came adrift this weekend but instead he ended up pulling out the remaining tooth, pin, roots etc. Ouch :-(
168 til my holiday...which is why I'm having hot toddies in my bubble bath.....x
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Ouch Pooka poor you!! :-(
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Not long then gness lol can't *** wait for mine Think I'll have a bene and hot tonight too
I know, I am feeling quite sorry for myself and just hoping I don't get the dreaded dry socket. An early night with a warm hot water bottle on my face I think.
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Oops didn't put any bad word there really!!
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Arrr hope you feel better tomorrow pooka it feels weird having one missing
Sorry to hear about your day Pooka hope you feel more cheerful soon :)

Sounds like a hectic one there Rebecca! My day has been good got off to a good start and been busy...just need mum to draw me a map as to where I shall find all my DVDs since we re-organised them all...I'm off for a hot shower and my cosy dressing gown :)

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