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Eating Animals

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nailit | 18:01 Sun 12th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
would you eat the flesh of an animal that you have never ate before?
I happily eat pork, beef, chicken, lamb and fish but a local supermarket has started selling kangeroo, crocodile and ostrich meat (amongst other delecicies such as garlic snails). I dont know what it is but I couldnt stand the thought of eating meat, other than what Im used too. Why is that? I'll happily try anything new if its plant based....fruit, veg, salad...but feel sick at the thought of eating a crocodile burger. In the same way, I couldnt eat a duck egg but love (chicken) eggs.
Could you eat a kangeroo steak or an ostrich sandwich?


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Could someone who doesn't eat fish tell me why? I find it astonishing; why don't you like it? In my freezer I have sea bass, plaice, salmon, squid, prawns, mussels: they are all delicious. Yesterday I made the Italian dish vongole (clams and spaghetti); if you can't get clams use fresh cockles; try it!
You're just getting finicky in your old age.
Crocodile is a fabulous meat. Emu too. Not fussed on kangaroo.
Neck of giraffe is supposed to be quite tasty but getting it into the oven can be a bit of a pain.
A pain in the neck, presumably?
As long as it's not laced with feckin coriander I'll eat anything and have done in the past, you have to survive
No, why do we have to eat everything that moves, don't we have enough choice already ?

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