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21St Century Supreme Idiocies

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con-amca | 17:38 Sat 11th Oct 2014 | Society & Culture
17 Answers
1. Political Correctness
2. The European Union
3. Suggestions??
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Anything I've thought of so far is covered by 1 & 2. :-)
Health & Safety taken to extremes, we are grown ups responsible for ourselves

Data Protection quoted on occasions when it doesn't apply
X Factor, et al
minimum wage
in-work benefits

& all the above. ;-)
Suing someone else for a mistake you made
most young people today? there awareness of something outside of their ow little bubble and level of general intelligence and aspiration is bloody shocking. i had to tutor my son while he was at school and college (and they were supposedly the best i the area according to statistics) just to be able to read, write, use his brain and become eloquent. judging by some of the trainee teachers i went to uni with......i'm no really surprised. and some parents should be ashamed of how their children turn out. for example, there are a couple of families on that gogglebox programme who seem blissfully unaware that their children are thick as pig s*** and they are happy to advertise that fact to the nation. i think i would die of shame if my son turned out like that.
Agree with iminoz - The 'compensation culture'
Iraq war.
sorry about the above typo's....the keyboard on my new laptop is abysmal!
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There seems to be plenty of idiocies about these days, everywhere. Lord knows, this country (UK) has more than its share. Our politicians' stance on energy, immigration, the armed forces, the human rights nonsense, education, the compensation culture, law and order - when will they ever get something right? Party/self interest before that of the country, that's their priority. It's taken a UKIP by-election victory to make them begin to listen to the electorate. And no doubt they'll stop listening after the election next May.
Global warming
Carbon footprint
The Millennium Dome.
^ technically a 20th century idiocy mosaic
Thinking that Iraq could govern itself.

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