1. My son, aged 8, heard me spelling my name, Robert, phonetically, on the telephone. I said "R for Robert" (Arfur).
He ran to his mother and said "I didn't know that Dad's name was Arthur".
2. On another occasion he was visiting a cemetary and was horrified to read
"Fell asleep" on a gravestone.
He ran to his mother and said "This poor man only fell asleep and they buried him"
Do you know of any humerous misunderstandings by children?
Grandson (5) brought me the paperback Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and asked if I would read it to him.
Me: isn't this a bit old for you?
Him: no. It's new.
Many years ago I used to take one of my neighbour's little girls with me shopping - one day she said to me "Conne our Gerard says you're blind". Mixed up with being deaf. I had to laugh.
Another wee story. A friend's little girl (aged 3) had never seen the male genetalia and when she did on a little baby boy - she said "oh mammy, look at his wee pony tail."
I live next to water but am mile from the coast,occasionally we get opportunist gulls fly in to join the other wildlife - one of my Grandsons christened these birds 'Beach Ducks',as the only other time he had seen them was at the seaside.
I was treating a child at school and made him giggle. I said to him 'you've got a dirty laugh', at which he looked very puzzled, and said 'I've got dirty fingers, but not got a dirty laugh'
Naughty one.... coming home from Germany my 3 year old daughter spied a couple of coloured gents walking through the ferry..... " Mum", she exclaimed loudly.... "those men haven't had a wash!!"
Safe to say we were mortified, but they laughed as well. We'd be hung drawn and quartered these days!!!
My brother was about three when he first saw grapes. He knew apples, and he knew meat, so they became applemeats. My dad always called them applemeats after that.
My nephew had an unfortunate speech impediment where he couldn't pronounce the letter 'D' and it came out sounding like an 'N', he also had an obsession with JCB type vehicles which to him were all 'diggers. It led to some strange looks when he spied one and felt the need to shout about it.
The phrase, "look at that n**ger auntie J" was one I dreaded.