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inspirational sayings/quotes

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nannon | 18:44 Tue 04th Apr 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
37 Answers
Does anyone have some inspirational sayings or quotes please?? Just need to let someone know that although everything seems bad now it will get better etc...that kind of thing. Thank you


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My favourite is - "It's not being down that makes you a failure, it's staying down"

Imagine yourself past the problem and how you would feel - then feel it

" When you're going through hell...dont stop".

My wise old karate instructor used to say;-

Nobody can take your spirit from you, only you can give it away.

If you believe there are no questions, if you don't believe there are no answers

You'll never walk alone

"its only when you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything"

u-chappy, that is a really good quote.

If you are ever hungry but are on a diet think of these words.........

If you don't eat, you don't sh*t, if you don't sh*t you die.

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My favourite is "When you believe in yourself, anything is possible"

I learnt a big lesson from someone I worked for many years ago..."always look for the reasons to do something rather than the reasons not to"

I also like "be the change in yourself before you expect it in others"

Pardon the French, but I've always liked, "Don't let the "barstewards" get you down"! (or baxtered, for any Fr Ted fans, sorry!)
i am nobody, nobody is perfect
Sir Winston Churchill....

"If your going through Hell...Keep going"
It is better to have loved and lost than to have shot the bitch and done 30 years inside... unless that was 30 years ago!

You cant' have a rainbow without rain

Either nothing is a miracle or everything is

i have three

  • 'its wonderful to know that i could be something more than what i dreamed far beyond what i could see' Octavarium- Dreamtheater

  • if you aim for the stars you may hit the trees but if you aim for the trees you may not get off the ground. anonymous

  • there are other ways of speaking words are just the deep end- Russell Crowe

sorry but i have to add another

those who think the sun is pure happiness have never danced in the rain.

i love this one

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