Crosswords11 mins ago
Deeds, Houses And Family
My mother and father bought their house in 1970. The mortgage was in my fathers name and now the mortgage is paid off the deeds are still only in my fathers name.
My mother has five children, three from her first marriage and two from her second marriage to my father, me being the eldest of my fathers two children. My step brothers and sisters were never adopted by my father.
No wills exist, and probably never will. What happens to the house if my father dies first. Does the title automatically fall to my mother or does this need to be legally agreed first.
My mother has five children, three from her first marriage and two from her second marriage to my father, me being the eldest of my fathers two children. My step brothers and sisters were never adopted by my father.
No wills exist, and probably never will. What happens to the house if my father dies first. Does the title automatically fall to my mother or does this need to be legally agreed first.
Does this help. The rules are different depending where you live. https:// www. gov. uk/ inherits- someone- dies- without- will
16:16 Thu 16th Oct 2014
Does this help. The rules are different depending where you live.
https:/ /www.go herits- someone -dies-w ithout- will
http:// old.tol .uk/sys tem/doc s/194/o riginal /Rules% 20of%20 Intesta cy%20Fl owchart .pdf
Have a look at the above flowchart while both are alive follow the yes side, and once one of them has died follow the no side for remaining spouse.
Have a look at the above flowchart while both are alive follow the yes side, and once one of them has died follow the no side for remaining spouse.