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Oscar Pistorias

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saintpeter48 | 18:11 Tue 21st Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
On the 6 o'clock news it stated that Pistorius's lawyer has requested a separate room in prison!!!
Whats that all about, he's not going on holiday For Funks Sake, he killed someone!
Makes my blood boil!!


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Cannedgranny you write "He is not gay so no doubt he is very worried."
Should a gay man not be very worried then?
ladybirder, yes I suppose they would be because their chances of walking out of the prison without aids is practically nil.
dt. is your reply supposed to be funny ? the man is in prison ( a very light sentence ) but are the post necessary re mocking his disability and the scenarios of ' ? rape '' in prison , ?
where in the sentence is there a mocking of his disability, there's plenty of comment about the 'joys' of a South African prison. My suspicion is that you are out again trying to needle me. Yawn.
DTCrosswordfan, that is disgusting!
it's not needling you ? I found your post offensive that's all.
It goes on in any prison....wake up, babysham.
And he should have been placed in the main prison, not some privileged place in a single cell in the hospital ward - it goes right against what the judge said in her sentencing. 5 years out in 10 months, albeit under house arrest is a b.disgrace too.....
`tis ideed a harsh reality of prison life...i used to do pre release courses and can tell you many such a tale !
No need for me to "wake up", thanks very much.

I too found your post offensive.

"ooh yes I'd like a suite with private bathroom and a sea view and balcony. Thanks "
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i still can't get my head round the fact that he didn't check if she was still in bed, he didn't shout out and ask if it was her in the bathroom, he didn't shout out a warning to whoever was in the bathroom, he didn't scream out for reeva, surely she would've replied with a simple, 'don't worry oscar, its only me'!!! Also, who locks the bathroom door in the middle of the night when going for a pee when there are only 2 of you in the apartment and, why did she take her mobile with her? It just doesn't add up!

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