Where can I find out if I was baptised?
Born 1946 in Paddington spent first 2 years around London,possible Bethnel green, then was put up for adoption in Suffolk.
I have checked all possibilities in Suffolk to no avail, including the children's nursery village church & both churches in area where I was adopted.
Someone suggested to Mormons website but no luck there either.
Any ideas?
when you say to no avail, do you mean they didn't have records, or they did and you weren't on them? Are you just checking C of E, or all denominations?
I was not mentioned on any C of E baptism records that I checked out, I know my birth family & adopted family were both C of E so can't see the need to check others out.
I think the Paddington/Bethnal Green seems the other road to go down.
As to the Need? yes its important to me!