Just seen specialist about very painful knee, very hard to bend it. After MRI on it he said I have got Ganglion Cyst inside my knee. He is now referring me to surgeon to look at it. Anyone had one of these or know what they may do to it. Thanks.
Yes it can be Jomlett. Did mention to him about giving it a smack with a bible lol but he said if I hit it that hard to get to it I would be lucky to have knee left. Gave us a laugh anyway.
I had one on my wrist for many years. I too was advised to wallop it with a Bible. ! Yes, honestly. I didn't. I just lived with it and one day, many years later,, I noticed that it had gone. No Bibles were hurt in the loss of this ganglion !
The specialist I saw said it was unusual to have one in the knee. He even asked me to let him know the outcome of what the surgeon decided to do as he said they don't always tell him and he would like to know in case he comes across another one in the future.