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Hopkirk | 23:00 Wed 22nd Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Apparently the jackpot is up to about 150 million pounds.

I won't be buying a ticket because I fear what my family's life would be like if I won.

Am I alone?

Am I stupid?


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Mikey, I am not going to give you £150m, because I am not buying a ticket.

Do you still love me?
Not quite as much as I used to Hopkirk !

If I won, No publicity, No outward changes, life would just go on as before, OH could get on with the travelling she enjoys and the Dogs might get new Collars.
Question Author
Might you splash out on a half bottle of Asti Spumante to celebrate, Baldric?

Blimey, a whole half bottle!!!!!
Do you know the price of that stuff?
I'm in it to win it!

Family? Not really bothered about family, other than OH and my two sons, the rest can go *******!

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