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"i'm Not Mad", She Said To Me...

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sandyRoe | 23:50 Tue 21st Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
111 Answers
...when I suggested that she'd hidden her purse again and forgotten where it was, after she said she couldn't find it.
She thinks too that I've given a key to a woman who comes in when we're out and steals her things, and hides soiled underwear under her mattress.
What to do?


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hmmmmmm....yeah Tony, good idea.
He was around today at 19.00hrs, ...perhaps he just doesn't feel like posting. Really do hope he's ok though x x
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I'm OK just feeling a bit sorry for myself. To use Arnie's famous words: I'll be back.
Yay!! There you are Sandy! Lovely to see you,.....update us if + when you feel ready.
Take good care

;) x x x
Morning Sandy no need to feel down
hi sandy. take care and take your time. we're all thinking of you.
Get back to your friends Sandy - they are excellent re advice and care for you a lot. You come across as a real lovely man. JjCon.
I agree with jj, do Sandy.
Mind you, I'm a lousy judge of character, so don't set much store on my opinions, lol ;)

x x

apologies if this is inappropriate or has been suggested already in the 108 posts:

is this a dementia issue?
have you contacted The Alzheimer's Society for help or advice?
Zeuhl Yes it is dementia I have worked in a care home for dementia sufferers and sandy's description of his sister symptoms is 'classic dementia'
Are you living together sandy? You must get professional help. One person alone cannot deal with this, which I assume is either dementia or something similar. I think you must ignore what she says and see her doctor. She can stay at home with help until she gets too bad but there is help available.

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"i'm Not Mad", She Said To Me...

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