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How do I post an answer on here now?

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chrissa1 | 09:08 Thu 03rd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Ooh er! Don't like this at all. Can't see how to post an answer.


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click on post an answer on the right above the orange bit, it's not enboldened though and so easy to ignore/miss.
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Ah, found it, thanks. The My Profile doesn't work too.
i see people are thinking to leave answerbank and move to sportsanswerbank i am keen to do so! want to join me?
i cant ask a question, anyone help please? i go to title and thats it it doesnt do anything else
The answer to DT GK Crossword 25 Oct
The clue is incorrect - scientifi study of rocks is Petrology but
the scientific study of the physical characteristics of rocks is


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How do I post an answer on here now?

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