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MyLove | 08:38 Thu 09th Oct 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
34 Answers
Please can someone clarify what "judging" someone is, here is something a born again christian asked me

If you was late for work and saw a drunk at the side of the road in with a bottle of whisky and he looks like he has fallen of his bike, would you stop to help? My reply, yes I would stop and see if he needed an ambulance etc, them "oh I didnt think you would"



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Trust and respect should neither be assumed, taken for granted, nor denied those who might be deserving. It is when trust and respect are demanded of me that I immediately lose all trust of and respect for those making such demands.

In such circumstances where one has already proven themselves unworthy of your trust and respect, giving the unearned to the undeserving can only diminish the desire and will to do good and serves only to sustain and promote the cause of evil.
Naomi, you have a low opinion of Christians if you truly believe your post of 9:28.
But I agree with the end part of it. I always use the cloak of stealth to mask my good works.
NO need for others to see my beneficence, He who matters sees it.
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Thank you for your replies so just to sum this up - yes she judged me! Which I think is ironic coming from a Christian, surely you should practice what you preach?
Matthew 7:1-3 comes to mind.
sandyRoe, I don’t have a low opinion of Christians per se, just of people who are beneficent either because they want to appear pious, or because someone else tells them it will benefit them personally in some way, ie it will earn them a place in heaven .

MyLove, I don’t know if you follow a religion but as I said, some of those who do assume that without religion altruism is impossible. Atheists eat babies, you know. ;o)
I'm sure they do, veal tonight then ?
haha! Something like that, OG.
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I see your point. In modern day terms it would need to be updated to 'The Good Palestinian'.
"A Zionist was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell among thieves..."
Israelis would redact that.
Lol Naomi, and here's the proof!
Haha! Ratter, you are awful - but I like you. :o)
lol @ Ratter's pic.

Omm nom nom!

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