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Happy Birthday Everhelpful

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Ann | 01:03 Mon 27th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Have a lovely day x


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Happy Birthday to you.x
Enjoy your day! X
Happy birthday Everhelpful. Have a brilliant day. x
Many happy returns! Have a lovely birthday x x
Wishing you a great day. Happy birthday xx
happy birfday Ever xx
Have a great day and never mind the consequences. :o}
hope you have a wonderful boifday Ever!! xx
Best wishes x
Question Author
A nice bright sunny birthday for you Ever - hope it is where you are!
have a lovey birthday x
Hope you have a lovely day

PS - Thanks Ann for the reminder
Thank you,Ann and everyone else for their Best Wishes,very much appreciated.
Happy birthday, Everhelpful...have a lovely day...xx
Happy birthday Everhelpful. Hope you have a lovely day.
Happy Birthday to You xx
Happy birthday Everhelpful, enjoy your day.

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Happy Birthday Everhelpful

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