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Dental Receipts

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jennyjoan | 23:07 Tue 28th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
In my haste to get out of dental surgery both times - I never got a receipt for work done. Should I worry.

Also was poking in my mouth tonight and have found a hole in yes another tooth. Just think it needs a filling but why did dentist not see it.


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She had too much else to do I think, jj.
What do you need a receipt for?

Can you claim it on tax?
Don't worry JJ, I've just been this afternoon and have lost the receipt already, but they normally have good account systems in place now to track any payment queries.

In regards to the cavity, it's possible that it is showing no signs of decay and therefore less easy to spot (teeth holes always feel bigger than they are when you feel it with your tongue anyway) or, if you went for a check-up and they think the cavity can wait until next time they may have just made a note on your records to show it needs looking at on your next trip, rather than opening a new payment plan now.
If, of course, it's worrying you or starts to hurt, just pop back - you should be covered for a check-up within the 6 months for free providing they don't have to do any works to it.
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No, just thought it would be nice to have a receipt for £1,600 - anyway they (dentist) put the ball in your court.

She said "I have done my bit" " you have to do yours" - on and on and on about flossing with wooden sticks - oh and forget about mouthwash.
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thanks Pea - but to be honest - do believe the tooth needs to be filled in - will ring tomorrow.

According to stats any way - when you get a denture it seems you need to go back to dentist for adjustments.
Oh, blimey then Jenny - a completely different kettle of fish - just ring up tomorrow and ask for a copy receipt either via post or email just for your peace of mind. That's an expensive trip :-(
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Well 3 trips and a denture - may check and see if she did give me card receipt. OMG - just try and race out of there asap.
Normally a receipt is to act as a proof of purchase, but I can't see who would need the proof.

It's not like they are going to deny they did the work.

I can't see why you want one, it will just clutter up your bedside drawer anyway.
no I dont think it matters
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And also Hop - do have it on my online accounts.

don't blame you JJ - exactly what I do too, run for the hills after every visit :o) But, it's worth going as they do help to sort things out.
Hope they've done a good job on the works and denture for you
Unless you paid cash there will be a record on your bank account/credit card anyway
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snap factor.
Paid cash? That's a lot of notes.

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