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Bbq Weather

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Georgiesmum | 08:11 Wed 29th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely spell of sunny weather we are having, especially those in the S.E. like me. Chris Evans said on his radio show this morning "Get ready for this weekend, its going to be BBQ weather again" Its forecast to be 21 degrees .


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Yes, it's been glorious weather for the past few days, Georgiesmum. It's a bit dark and damp today, though. Good to know the nice weather's on its way back.
It's pouring rain here today in Sussex but it's to improve for the next few days after that. Certainly, it's not cold.
Believe it when it actually happens- the whole of October was supposed to be an Indian Summer, it's now the 29th and I'm still waiting for it :-(
Nothing terribly lovely about the weather here in South Wales today. Yesterday it was a perfect Autumn day but overnight and this morning, its grey and rainy. Fingers crossed for this weekend though !
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My car windscreen was iced over this morning!
I'm waiting for some proper autumnal weather. I love black clouds, wind and rain. Warm weather in October feels wrong. I'm glad people are enjoying the unseasonable warmth though.
I'm in the S. E. and its raining. The last few days have been lovely and the day I'm on leave its start piggin raining!
It would be a very rusty BBQ here today . Rain rain rain and more rain.

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