Do U Think I'm Gay If I Kiss A Man in The AnswerBank: Law
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Do U Think I'm Gay If I Kiss A Man

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High5 | 18:40 Sat 01st Nov 2014 | Law
32 Answers
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Prudie... was it anyone we know ;-)
She's just a maleteaser now....
lol!! ^^

Well, that is now the only thing I know about 1D, and it has not improved my life at all!
-- answer removed --
Kiss whomever you like and dont feel guilty
I don't like bananas.
Very nice sliced up with custard, DT.
It's not legal in Uganda and Putin's banana bunch aren't exactly fans.....
and Prisons ! o god dont even mention that !
Buqqer me, this info isn't good, Peter.....

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Do U Think I'm Gay If I Kiss A Man

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