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5 Year Old Girl, Christmas Presents Idea,s This Year . Help

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dieseldick | 18:39 Wed 29th Oct 2014 | Shopping & Style
19 Answers
im stuck on what to get my 5 yr old daughter, she loves dollies but saying that she had 2 expensive dolls last year and didnt play wth them so this year dollies are out ( expensive ones anyway )

shes very creative and loves drawing , making things etc

ideas please.


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I got my 5 year old niece the Rapunzel Sticker Album. You could get that as a side present and buy her something to craft with. Especially if she is creative.
look at the happy puzzle co lots of ideas there
There is tons of cheap craft stuff to buy. I noticed when doing my online shopping that Tesco have half price toys.

I was going to buy a big container of jewellery making beads for my niece but the thought of her spilling them all over the playroom made me shudder.
How sad that you don't know what will please your daughter.
Best thing to do is stick her on the sofa with an Argos catalogue open at the toy pages- she'll soon tell you what she wants!

Whether Santa delivers EVERYTHING she wants is another matter, he can only carry so much ya know.
Or these (lots of other choices too)
Believe me, loads of paper and then crayons and pencils...maybe watercolours (don't go overboard on these).

Bead sets are fun, my girls loved them, especially the arty one. Best to visit a bead shop for the widest selection.

A treat could be a visit to a plate shop to paint a plate and then have it fired - fun for both of you and a great Chrissie present for mum....or grannies.
anything to do with Frozen the film, we got our grandaughters Frozen dresses one will be 5 at Christmas the other 2 and half
if its anything like my family, you won't need to get her much as she'll have loads from others.
Get her a bean bag. Kids love bean bags.
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eccles i wish you would just *** right off out of my threads with your constantly negitive replies and responses, go away !!! i do not need any kind of advice from you whatsoever, ever !!

thanks to the rest of you, i do know what my daughter likes but i want to surprise her now what is wrong with that ? some people are just sad pathetic morons with nothing better to do than to sit behind a screen and put other people down.
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btw furbies are in again ? i thought they were long gone and forgotten years ago
as everyone has said...there are lots of craft things for liitle kids..beads for jewellery..also card making kits..I got my niece a ream of coloured card..gel pens..glue, sequins and beads and lots of wee bbits of ribbons etc and she was rapt...
I hope I'm not out of order in suggesting a dolly..... One which she could cuddle, play with, dress.... Make clothes for, have tea parties even in a temper throw to the other side of the room, without doing any other damage than to possibly a reprimand ......loads on the market but the group that come to mind immediately are zapf, baby born(interactive) annabelle or Chou Chou . They don't break the bank and loads of potential for her to interact, nappies feeding dressing..... Again my apologies if I'm in the wrong field.
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last year she got all 3
baby annabelle
chou chou
baby born....bored after a week or so

I shouldn't laugh but buying for a child is like buying for a cat. Buy the best quality present you can afford and wait in expectation for them to be overwhelmed with happiness when they open the gift.

The gift is ignored at some early stage - but the box it came in seems to be played with for ages and ages.

When is still pretty young and would would probably prefer something that she can play with and that you or your OH can play with too. Craft stuff is a good idea or games.

Time with her mum and dad will be more special to her than anything.

Good luck
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