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Good Morning Early Birds

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Peaspeculiars | 05:22 Sun 02nd Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Well now, it's like a wet weekend in Wigan out there. Hope Boaty isn't having a wash-out too down in Torquay and I'll bet Tiggy is all wrapped up in hibernation now.

Wasn't planning on getting up this early but found a very soggy cat was plainly not happy at this morning's weather so came to tell me all about it :-)

Off to the car boot in a bit (in waterproofs) then to parents to acquire a bacon butty, coffee and have a good natter. Back home after to continue decorating (doors waxed, wallpaper stripped, just the decision on dark grey, or darker grey now lol)

Hope you are all well this morning - What do you have planned for today?


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Oz I even have my cards written ready to post Dec to have everything done and dusted before the shops get unbearably busy ...God bless AMAZON !
tomorrow I have to sit down and do my photograph calendar on line..I do one every year, pics of mum dad and family taken through the year...order 6 for siblings, parents, myself and an aunt..takes ages trawling through all my photos but well worth the effort...
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Good morning everybody,it's pretty wet outside so I think I'll go back to bed.
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morning Paddy xx lol Oz...sure there must be something like that on line somewhere..thank goodness it comes but once a year !
Morning all, very wet down here over night, the weather foul last night and it was on its way eastwards. My massive piles of leaves will be sopping wet.

Lunch today out probably, sitting here sporting an almost migraine like headache and waiting for the Ibuprofen to kick in....not a great night's kip.
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morning DT xx ibuprofen and monitor !
Guess it is a question of wait and see!
I see we have an enormous problem in the UK, terrorist rabbits......

It's those bunnies with MyxomatIsis
wonder where Albs and cuddes are this morning....GET OOT THAT SHED YOO TWO !!
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Morning all xxx like you MM xxx I like to get my cards all ready and posted early . Cant cope with last minute rushing around . Rain here but still warmish .Have to go asda today .Have a nice day all.
morning Wendi xx
must get off now ..see you all later xx
Morning Wendi

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Good Morning Early Birds

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